Why Am I Not Getting Hired?


“Job search” is usually synonymous with a tough, long slog of a task. You scour online postings and apply to countless positions, but for one reason or another you just can’t land a hire. When you felt good about an interview or really wanted a position, this could have been extra discouraging. But before you send out another round of applications or give up and assume that you’ll never find the job you’re looking for, let’s step back and take an objective view at some key things that could be contributing to the lackluster response.


Get Specific

The #1 reason why you may not be meeting the success in your job search that you’d expect is that perhaps your resume and/or cover letter need to be more focused on the job you’re seeking. If language on these key documents is overly vague or a generic copy/paste line that changes little from one application to the next, a would-be employer can’t see how your qualifications shine; they can’t see how perfect you’d be for the job. A way to make your application stand out is to tailor it to the role you’re looking to secure.

 Could it be that you’re applying for the wrong jobs? If you take an honest look at a job description and find that, realistically, you’re either over- or under-qualified for a position, that could be the reason why you’re being passed over in favor of better-suited applicants. 


Attitude and Aptitude

You can have all the right skills and experience, but if you leave a negative impression or no impression at all with your interviewer, it may not be likely that you’ll get a callback. Hiring managers have a heavy responsibility–they need to find someone who’s qualified, yes, but they also need to know that the applicant they choose will fit in well with company culture and actually wants to be there. A negative rant about former employers, bosses, and coworkers or negativity towards the interviewing company’s products or policies will rarely achieve anything good. 

 Sharing your “why” and the story or arc of your career and how this company and position fit into your trajectory can be really meaningful. It could help interviewers remember you and feel that you don’t just need A job, you want THIS job. Sharing interesting and tastefully chosen details about your personal passions is another way to be relatable while helping yourself stand out in a crowd. On the other hand, coming off too strong before, during, or after the interview can leave an indelible, negative impression that could ruin the opportunity.

 We admit that employers have to make some subjective judgment calls, but we also are confident that you can make a real difference in their decision based on how you interact in your interview


Quantity and Quality

We started off assuming that you’re applying for jobs left, right, and center, but the flipside could also be true, and that could be a prime reason behind the lack of interest from hiring managers. It comes down to numbers–the more applications you submit, the higher the chance you’ll get hired. You don’t want to apply for just any old job, but waiting until the ideal position comes along isn’t a great idea either. If you can’t find anything else, it's always worth applying for positions that can serve as a stepping stone to the ideal job, helping you to acquire the skills and experience you need for success in the long run.

 The quality of your interview can also go far to determining whether you’re hired or not. Being as prepared for interviews conducted over the phone as you would be for an in-person appointment is vital–that could be your one and only chance to make a good impression. Take time to learn about the company and the products or services they offer. Prep answers to common interview questions and practice them aloud. Above all else, remember that body language and whether or not you follow commonly accepted etiquette can speak volumes.


There’s Value In Expertise

It’s totally possible that you’ve already checked every available box and still can’t manage to land a job. Remember: there will always be some reasons that fall outside of your realm of control. All this being said, this is a place where expertise matters. And this time, we aren’t talking about your expertise. 

 Working with a job search consultant at a local temp agency ensures that your perfectly formatted resume isn’t somehow skipped over by an automated applicant tracking system–we make sure that it gets into the right person’s hands. When you’re handling your own job search, networking and telling friends, family and acquaintances that you’re looking for a job can be a game changer. But when you work with agency search consultants who have a full listing of available positions tailor made for your skill set, you can forgo that broadcast. 

 At Technical Search Consultants we have countless resources for job seekers and employers alike. If you’re looking for your next job, we’ll help you refine your resume, prepare for interviews, and more. Employers looking to fill temp-to-hire, contract, temporary, and direct hire positions can rely on our skilled team to find them that just-right candidate. If you’ve exhausted your job search, it could be time to team up with an ally. Contact us to submit your resume and learn more about the industries we serve. You can easily peruse current open positions on our website. We’re ready to help you start your next chapter!

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